Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Master the art of the #100wattskin!
Even look at stunning makeup looks created by the likes Natasha Khalid, Nighat Misbah and others, and long for the radiant skin! Well, guess what! It may be one of the most favourite techniques used by MUA's these days but it is definitely not one of the hardest. It is actually one of the easiest! And it is definitely not the look after your skin, moisturize, hydrate, eat well and sleep well kind of a routine; which though, works well in the long run but is honestly too much of an effort for the lazy days, especially since it doesn't deliver immediately. There is actually, a quick way, both to our and your delight that can help us fake the #100WattSkin within seconds! And not at the expense of a range of fancy skincare and hydrating serums!
 The trick is to take some shimmer eye shadow, close to your natural skin color and mix it with your liquid foundation. Take out 2 to 3 pumps of your foundation separately, however many you use to cover your face and mix some shimmer shadow in it for a nice glowing skin. Before that you will have prepped your skin for a smooth, inform application and easy blending. 
P.S: You want to use a shimmer shadow and not a glitter color as they can be very chunky and will not only look unappealing and make it look like you took a glitter bath instead of giving you a nice radiant complexion.

* image source: instagram.com'sajalalifirdous

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