About us

Conceived as the dream of two sisters, The Sisters Go Shopping is your daily dose of beauty, fashion & lifestyle.
Indulge in our world and gain access to exclusive bits of the latest in fashion, easy to follow tutorials and the newest beauty trends to try.
It is your one stop to all female things<3

Meet our Team:

Hira Tabassum: Meet our Editor-in-Chief. She is good with numbers but better with makeup. She has a weakness for all things blushers and would willingly kill for a golden highlighter. A rigid advocate for the correct shade of foundation, all she needs are a pair of killer heels and a daring lip to conquer the world.

Meet the Beta!
Maria Tabassum, our Managing Editor. Currently a fashion undergraduate, her affinity to overly dramatic silhouettes and equally daring color schemes knows no bounds. More in love with flip flops than any other kind of shoes ever created, she is more the next door kind of girl. Her everyday beauty regime is a French tail, a good concealer and a nude lip. Though she often likes to embrace the drama of editorials. Beware you have been warned!!